
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Got CPR?

Diaper bag? Check. 17 changes of clothing (assuming the possibility of 15 colossal accidents and 2 spit ups)? Check. 2 pairs of shoes in case Junior decides their pair of Emilio Lime Livie & Luca slip-ons were simply not their colour? Check.

Think you're ready to head out? Think again.

Of all the things knick knacks parents stow away in their ginormous strollers, the last thing they think about is safety, pure and simple. Heaven forbid an emergency was ever to happen, but if it ever does (knock on wood) it's best you're prepared.

baby on the hip's Infant CPR courses are coming up and it's time to sign up.

The fee is only $40 per person for peace of mind.

To sign up please phone 416 465 4141. If needed, we kindly ask that you give 48 hours cancellation notice so we can fill your spot!

Upcoming Dates:
July 27th, 2010 6:30-8:30pm
August 17th, 2010 6:30 - 8:20pm
September 15th, 2010 6:30 - 8:30pm

Some tips:

  • Leave the baby and kids at home. This is your chance to learn lifesaving tools, so try not to be distracted.
  • Remember to sign up early because these classes fill up quick!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Honest to Blog

Shoppers at baby on the hip come in many shapes and sizes. Yes, we do get the occasional "My wife has sent me for diapers, I am here to buy what she needs," type of in-and-out customer.

But most of the amazing people who walk into our store end up in detailed conversation with our sales associate. We have everything from the "I'm due any minute and I need help finding a baby carrier" kind of customer to the "I haven't slept for 3 days because we need help with feeding" kind of customer.

And then there are those who -- be it because they are too busy figuring out how to turn off the breast pump machine or be it because their waking hour has been changed to 3am -- can not get to the store at all.

That's why we've created our blog: To give you our up-to-the-minute, honest-to-blog truth about what's happening in our shop, news, tips and events.

So cozy up. No dress code in effect. Just read on and enjoy.